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cmuqixi的个人空间 https://gogodutch.com/?63760 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 151 人来访过

  • A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. 回复
  • The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge 回复
  • We need perfect love!! 回复


Finally moved. 2009-07-18
Had a smoothly move to the city center. Hopefully furniture also sold well with good price. Thanks for prayers.
Pure hearted 2009-06-16
Blessed are the pure-hearted! Live for perfect love! Live a holly life! May He be with you all!



ellencn 2009-8-4 20:34
cmuqixi: where r u? have a fellowship with u?
I'm in Eindhoven. I have two fellowships here, one is in Chinese Church, the other is in International Baptist Church. where do you live?
丁巧蕾 2009-7-25 15:02
cmuqixi: did u find a place to move to? Good luck.
3ks for ur best wishes. good news. i got it.
cmuqixi 2009-7-19 18:23
may u leave an email to contact.
ellencn 2009-7-18 15:30
Peace in Lord! R you Brother or Sister in Lord? Thank you for your visit to my page in this site. I have been a Christian almost ten years. I don't dare to say that I'm mature in Christ, but I find that Christians in Chinese Church and English-speaking Church are childish. They are not familiar with Lord's words, and dodn't respect and comply with Lord's commands. I'm sad about that.
luckychen 2009-7-10 19:43
cmuqixi: too hard to type chinese
luckychen 2009-7-10 16:28
cmuqixi: r u still painting? show more pls.
luckychen 2009-7-10 16:24
cmuqixi: r u still painting? show more pls.
丁巧蕾 2009-7-10 13:39
cmuqixi: HE only asks for ur heart/faith. U will be saved once u believe in Him.
丁巧蕾 2009-7-10 12:02
cmuqixi: u r wrong. Lord will protect u. u will be blessed by Him. Sure He will. seek and found. knock and door opened.
丁巧蕾 2009-7-10 10:39
cmuqixi: u'll be fine. pray 4 u.
谢谢 还是你好。每次都保佑我哈哈
丁巧蕾 2009-7-10 09:38
cmuqixi: 既来之,则安之。既得之,则惜之。孰惜之?
Y? not positive.
解语花 2009-7-7 11:31
cmuqixi: online? not working?
evilcells 2009-7-7 09:07
cmuqixi: hi
hi :P
ssven8 2009-7-7 00:01
cmuqixi: thanks, Jude. girl-magnetic boy!
what are you talking about?
小米饭 2009-7-5 18:40
cmuqixi: how is ur holiday in china. miss china so much. not there for ten yrs. enjoy.

like the songs in chinese. soft and romantic. beste.
ten years here?
How old are you  ??
小米饭 2009-7-5 18:34
cmuqixi: not online? because of  nice sunny sunday? enjoy!
thx, i must work on sunday


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